The SIG P365 at RAFA


The SIG P365 is a micro-compact pistol that at the time of its release provided greater magazine capacity than any previous handgun in its class. The design won (and continues to win) numerous awards and is an increasingly ubiquitous concealed carry weapon.

P365 SAS

P365 SAS

The P365 and its variants have proven be a very popular choice of handgun for concealed carry in Kansas.


SIG P365: Startling SIG SAUER Sub-Compact

The P365 debuted in early 2018, initially featuring a 10+1 round and 12+1 capacity double-stack magazines. Its popularity has spawned a vast array of after-market accessories and add-ons (and, in the months since, a number of alternate models within the same family).

In 2018 the SIG P365 was the recipient of Guns and Ammo Magazine’s 2018 Handgun of the Year award; the Industry Choice Award for Handgun of the Year; 2018 Ballistic Magazine’s Editor’s Choice for Compact Semi-Automatic Pistols; and the NASGW-POMA Caliber Award for Best Overall Product. In 2019 it earned Shooting Illustrated Magazine’s “Golden Bullsey” for 2019 Handgun of the Year.

You can try a P365 out at the Rainier Arms Firearm Academy, the premier gun range in Wichita KS, or carry one during a concealed carry class taught by one of our instructors.

A customized SIG P365 at Rainier Arms Firearms Academy, the home of USPSA and IDPA in Wichita, KS

The manufacturers display at RAFA, premiere gun range in Wichita KS
The SIG P365 display in the SIG SAUER section of Rainier Arms Firearms Academy.


The new micro-compact was an excellent development in the concealed carry handgun market.


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  • John Hwang

    Founder & CEO of Rainier Arms.  Passionate about Jesus, Family & Friends.  Firm believer in the American Dream and uses 6 Saturdays as his social bios to help people dream big to someday be able to live 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday.  Loves to teach about money, investing, and success in all areas of life.

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