One of the major strengths Rainier Arms prides itself in is our relationships. Most of the gun ranges & gun stores around the country have to buy ammo via the 2-step sales channel. Meaning, we are all buying and fighting for what little ammo our distributors can source from the manufacturer. Because of our national buying power, we do get some preferential treatment from our distributors. However, even that’s not enough. Thankfully, we are full of resources.
We source direct
Very few companies have the buying power or favorable relationship to buy direct. We are fortunate to buy direct from PMC, one of our largest supplies for high quality ammo. They provide a wide selection of milspec, defensive, hunting and precision ammo. PMC is the OEM supplier for the Korean government as well as many other entities around the world. You can find a large selection at Rainier Arms Firearms Academy or on our website.
We source internationally
We have an international & defense division that imports & exports firearms and accessories all over the world. We’ve explored our long term relationships and managed to source ammo from all over Europe. We are experts with import regulations and the ammo is now flowing. Starting in February 2021, we are receiving ammo in containers. We are also working with importers and freight forwarders to secure even more ammo. No rock is left unturned, we are seeking high and low to keep you supplied during a very difficult time.
We Reload
We have a reloading operation in Auburn Washington & just started operations in Wichita as well. We have been loading new & reloading quality ammo for several years. Even though our throughput isn’t as high as a commercial production facility, our quality is amazing. Just like everything we do, we stand behind our products so you can rest assured knowing you will be taken care of every step of the way.
As you can see, we’ve taken every step possible to keep you well stocked. We’ve had to make many course corrections as COVID hit & the political climate changed. However, we are always adapting and growing and we are here to serve you. So come on down, shoot & buy as much ammo as you’d like. As always, our members receive a nice discount on ammo.